Welcome to our positive period page, we needed a space to list all the amazing information we have to share with you on your cycle. Here you can find out how to use our period calenders, moon oils and reusable pads. We have also included some information on how to get the most out of your cyctel by connecting with each phase. We have thrown in some fun facts about our bodies as well as some out there myths about periods so you can help stop the spread of mis information.
How to use the calendar

Step 1
Start on the first day of your bleed and line up the fallopian tubes with number one.

Step 2
Take a peak outside and see what phase the moon is in, turn the moon wheel so the current moon phase is inline with number 1

Step 3
Each day turn the outside wheel one day to the right, the centre wheel will indicate where in your cycle you are and how to make the most of this time.
What if I don't have a 28 day period?
Not to worry you can still use the calendar to track your cycle.
If you have a shorter or longer cycle then you will need to adjust how you use the calendar.
Your Cycle is shorter than 28 days
Here you will need to skip a day on the calendar as you move around the wheel. Try to spread the days out over the different phases, eg if you have a 24 day cycle skip the last day of each phase.
Your cycle is longer than 28 days?
Here you will need to add in days as you move around the calendar. Try to spread the days out over the different phases, eg if you have a 32 day cycle leave the wheel on the last day of each phase for an extra day.
MOON NOTE: If you are skipping a day or adding a day please ensure you still move the moon circle each day.
After some time following the calendar and connecting with your cycle you will figure out a more accurate way to adjust the calendar to your cycle.
CAve ICons

This is a time for rest, slow down and to find ways to switch off

Nourish your body with warm teas and whole foods

Self Talk
Watch your self talk, try to stay positive and acknowledge your emotions

Make sure you are getting enough sleep

To Do List
Write your to do list but don't action just yet

Chocolate can improve your mood during this time so indulge if you dare

Tick off that To Do List
Now is the time to start moving through that to do list

Your energy levels have increased so make the most of his time

Multi Tasking
Your ability to multitask at this time is impressive .Use this super skill to your advantage

This is the time to get the most from your exercise routine, push yourself that little further

Problem Solving
Your brain is sharp and focused so perfect time for solving problems or making decisions

Moving Quickly
Your brain will be moving quicker than usual, try to keep up

Difficult Conversations
Your mind is clear and focused so get those tough conversations started

Speak Your Mind
Now is the time to speak up for yourself and others

Positive Self Talk
Your self talk is at it's best, so now is the time to get that hair cut, go clothes shopping or just love yourself

Moving fast
You may feel like you brain and body are moving faster than everyone else, you are!

Time to get out there and be with the people, this is a great time for parties, holidays ect

Move Your Body
Get moving, get your blood flowing before your head down the mountain
Descent ICons

Slow down, make sure you are getting extra sleep at this time

Your creative side is waiting to get out, let it free

Take No Crap
This is the one phase where you do not need to put up with other people's crap

Give your body what it needs, when it asks for food feed it

Keep Warm
Your body may become colder during this time, rug up and keep yourself warm, it will help

Mood swings are tough but a perfect excuse for some alone time
A Calendar Guide
What do those strage images on the calendar represent?

Bleed Days
The blood drop icon represents, you guessed it your bleed days. Day 1 should always line up with the first day of your bleed.

Ovulation Days
The Spiral Goddess indicates the days you are most likely to ovulate on based on a 28 day cycle. Please note every women is different so if you are using this calendar to either become or avoid being pregnant please use other methods to determine your exact ovulation days.

Current day
These Funky Fallopian Tubes are there to indicate which date you are currently on. Turn to the right each day so you can connect with your phases and make the most of this beautiful journey.
Let's learn about your phases

Cave Day 1 - 7
The first day of bleeding is considered day one of your menstrual cycle. On this today, the hormone progesterone plunges, which causes the uterine lining to shed, AKA "your period". Often, a period lasts between 3 and 7 days.
During this week, your energy is the lowest in your cycle and you may feel tired and withdrawn. You may want to rest more than you usually do, or even take a day off. I know that a whole day off might not be possible, but introducing some quietness and deliberate rest time can be tremendously helpful. If you're pressed for time, your rest time could even look like a short walk or three minutes of deep breathing.
Clear your calendar of big social and dating events and make a date with yourself. A hot Epsom salt bath is a great place to start. Try writing in a journal and reflecting on the events of the past month. This creates awareness and allows you to set intentions for the month ahead.

Climb Day 8 - 14
This phase follows just after menstruation. It's called the Follicular phase because your pituitary gland releases a hormone called Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH), which stimulates the follicles in your ovaries to mature. FYI — these follicles contain your eggs.
Estrogen and testosterone start to rise during this phase. This will bring you a boost of energy, and can often improve your mood, too. You may even feel more assertive and willing to take risks. Testosterone stimulates your libido while estrogen makes you feel more extroverted and suppresses your appetite. This is a time when you may feel a wide variety of feelings related to self-sufficiency. Yay!
Brainstorming and problem solving will be major strengths during this phase so initiate new projects and make big decisions. Make use of those social superpowers by speaking up in meetings, joining a new social group and scheduling time with friends! Strenuous exercise will feel increasingly good during this time too, so get out and enjoy physical activities that you love.

Peak Day 15 - 21
Ovulation is the culmination of all the hard work your body has been doing over the last couple of weeks. An egg gets released from its follicle in your ovary and will survive for 12-24 hours.
Estrogen and testosterone rise to peak levels, boosting the effects of the follicular phase. You may feel that you look better and feel more confident so it will be easier to verbalize your thoughts and feelings. Plus, your sex drive will be at its highest.
This is a great time for job interviews, networking events and public speaking. Schedule a date night with your current beau or ask someone out! Energy levels are highest in this phase so continue to enjoy lots of physical activity.

Descent Day 22 - 28
As your coming down the mountain your estrogen and testosterone decline and your body starts producing progesterone.
Since progesterone is an anti-anxiety hormone, so you will find yourself beginning to wind down. Now is a good time for nesting, chores and taking care of your to-do lists.
The second half of this phase, however, is notoriously difficult for many women. You might feel PMS symptoms like cravings for carbohydrate-heavy comfort foods, bloating, breast tenderness, headaches, anxiety and moodiness. These symptoms are not all in your head but they aren't something you should suffer through either.
Practice good self-care during the week before your period and you'll likely notice less PMS. Try spending extra time alone, eating healthy foods, taking a restorative yoga class, or receiving stress-relieving treatments, like a massage or acupuncture. Taking magnesium supplements can also be helpful in reducing headaches and muscle tension. When you honor your body's innate need for rest and relaxation during this phase, you will enhance your ability to get more out of the active phases of your cycle.