Mothers Blessing Ceremony Points of Information

A Mothers Blessing Ceremony for yourself or a member of your tribe is a truly beautiful idea. We can make this as easy and personalized as possible.

How to book a Blessing 

Simply select your package here , once selected checkout. We will contact you to confirm dates, times, location ect. If you have any questions please feel free to Contact Us


Where can the Blessing take place

As you are trying to create a sacred space it is best to find a quiet comfortable place to have your blessing. The mother to be might want to have it at her place as she feels comfortable there. However make sure it does not become a burden for her and doesn't feel compelled to clean and tend to her guests. A friend or family's place might be a better option so she can just turn up and relax.

If you are thinking you may want to have the ceremony outside in a park this can be a great idea however just be mindful of weather and the mum to be's comfort. You may need to bring her some cushions and a chair to sit in.


Who should I invite

Blessings are an intimate occasion, the idea is to create a sacred space for the mum to be to share, cry, laugh and feel that she is in a safe place. Keep it small, 5-10 people is ideal otherwise it can become a long day and looses its intimacy.


What do I have to organise

Your host will take care of the blessing itself but there are a few things you will need to do to ensure the ceremony goes smoothly.
Send out the invitations (We will provide these) as early as possible and ensure you get rsvp's from your guests so we know the final numbers so there is enough space and goodies for everybody.

Ask your tribe to contribute by bringing a plate of food to share, once the ceremony is over it is nice to share a snack and cuppa tea together.

Encourage your tribe to come child free if possible, This may be hard for some but it is much easier to give the mum to be your focused attention without your little ones around. 


What can I expect on the day

On the day of the blessing your host will arrive early to have everything set up in time for your tribe to arrive. Once everyone has arrived your host will get everyone comfortable and start the ceremony. Depending on the package you have chosen your host will guide you through allowing time and space for anyone to share some words.

A birth necklace is made using bead/charms given by your tribe. This necklace will be taken into your labor with you full of positive supportive energy.

You will be pampered with foot and hand massages, words of support and wisdom and of course lots of tears and laughter.

Once the ceremony is over the host will invite everyone to have some food and drink and at this point the stories of birth and love start to flow.



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