First Moon Ceremony Points of Information

A First Moon Ceremony is a great way to celebrate a young lady's rise into womanhood. As women we are not taught how to connect with our cycle or how to work with it rather than against it. Lets teach our young women how to honor their body and be proud of entering into this phase of their lives.

How to Book a Ceremony

Simply book here, once booked we will send you an email with all the details of the ceremony. If you have any questions please feel free to Contact Us

What to expect at a Ceremony
Ceremonies are for small groups of no more than 6 young ladies and their tribe (women in their life). We will discuss some of the reasons we feel the ceremony is important, some of the positive and negatives of our cycles bring and how to work with it not against it.
A First Moon Necklace will be made by your tribe to welcome you into womanhood with open arms. We will share our fears, embarrassing moments and words of wisdom to send these young ladies into the wonderfull world of womanhood fully armed with knowledge and power.

Who can you bring along
We encourage Mum's, Aunties, Grandmas, Friends ect to come along and be part of this experience. There is no charge for your tribe.

How old do you have to be to participate in the ceremony

We feel girls in the age bracket of 9 - 14 would benefit from this ceremony. As long as they have started their menstrual cycle their we are happy to accommodate. You do not have to be new to your period to attend a ceremony, you can only have had 1 cycle or you could be in your 4th years of cycles. If you feel you need to honor this then this is for you.

What is included in the price
The price includes a 2 hour ceremony with time for open discussions ending with each young lady being recognized and welcomed into womanhood. A gift basket which includes hand made products from the Sunshine Coast such as Reusable Pads, Girls Power Bag, Pocket Crystals, Oil rollers, Womb Tea and a Goddess necklace made with love and intention from your tribe.