New to the family are our Flow Teas!
Each tea specifically designed to help support your hormones and energy shifts that occur in each phase.
Cave Tea
Enter your cave and support your body with this blend of Hibiscus, Chamomile, Raspberry Leaf and Rose Petals. Created to calm your mind and sooth your womb.
Climb Tea
Whilst climbing your mountain our mixture of Lavender, Orange Peel, Cornsilk, Elderflower and Cinnamon will help clear out the cobwebs, calm the mind and trigger those happy thoughts
Peak Tea
Congratulations you have made it to the top of your mountain, this potion of Rose, Lavender, Jasmine and Cinnamon will help activate those love feelings, for yourself and for others.
Descent Tea
As you start to head down your mountain and wind things up sip this concoction of Peppermint, Yarrow, St Johns Wort and Marshmallow Root to manage those negative thoughts, unclog blocked energies and curb those funky mood swings.
All tea is Organic
Each phase contains 3-4 serves of tea.